1999 Astrodynamics Conference Meeting

Alternate Lodging Accommodations

Girdwood is a small village and there are no motels located there. Accommodations are therefore limited.

If you find that the Alyeska does not have accommodations, the list below is provided for your convenience. Some of the places in the list have been contacted and have rooms for the time of the conference. Also please ask that the Alyeska put you on a waiting list as they may have cancellations from some of the tour boats that they currently are expecting. Additionally you can commute from the outskirts of Anchorage.

Condos and chalets made be rented through

Alyeska Accommodations (ask for Lorrie or Sherri)
P.O. Box 1196 Girdwood, Alaska 99587
Phone (907) 783-2000 or 888-783-2001
FAX (907) 783-2425

Other, single accommodations are listed below. Some of them have web sites and the complete list with links can be found at www.girdwoodalaska.com/girdwood.html :

A Cross Country Meadows B&B, email: xcountrybb@aol.com
Timberline & Alta Drive, Phone: (907) 783-3333, Fax: (907) 783-3335
Bed & Breakfast

Alpina Inn B&B, email: Kung@alaska.net
Higher Terrace, Lot 14, Phone: (907) 783-2482, Fax: (907) 783-2482
Bed & Breakfast

Alyeska View B&B, email: view@girdwood.net
Vail Drive, Phone: (907) 783-2747, Fax: (907) 783-2747
Bed & Breakfast

Crow Creek B&B, email: vacation@girdwood.net
Phone: (907) 783-2000, Fax: (907) 783-2425
Bed & Breakfast

Delphinium House B&B, email: delphin@eagle.Ptialaska.net
Loveland Road, Phone: (907) 783-3435, Fax: (907) 563-1368
Bed & Breakfast

GingerBread House B&B, email: Dachermann@aol.com
Echo Drive, Phone: (907) 783-1952, Fax: (907) 783-1954
Bed & Breakfast

Girdwood Escape B&B, email: escape@gci.net
Juniper Drive, Phone: (907) 783-2631, Toll Free (888) 783-7236
Bed & Breakfast

Glacier Creek Lodge, email: jboyd@customcpu.com
Aspen Road, Phone/Fax: (907) 338-6958
Bed & Breakfast

Glass House B&B
#2 Brenner Street, Phone: (907) 754-1470, Fax: (907) 754-1100
Bed & Breakfast

Northern Composure B&B, email: northerncomposure@girdwood.net
Okemo & Alpine P.O., Phone: (907) 783-1010, Fax: (907) 783-1010
Bed & Breakfast

On The Mountain Chalet, email: tmelican@themagicbus.com
Phone: (907) 268-6311, Fax: (907) 338-5141
Vacation Chalet Rental

The Carriage House B&B & Stables, email: horses@Girdwood.net
Mile .2 Crow Creek Rd., Phone: (907)783-9462, Fax: (907) 783-9463
B&B & Carriage Rides

Winner Creek B&B, email: winnercreek@girdwood.net
Mile 2.9 Alyeska Hwy, Phone: (907) 783-5501, Fax: (907) 783-5501
Bed & Breakfast